
We are looking for motivated individuals that would like to join a committee and help us make a difference in our community.  Please contact us if you would like to volunteer to fill these much needed positions.

Park & Pond

  • Chairperson - Vacant
  • Member - Vacant
  • Member - Vacant
The Park & Pond committee assists the board by performing park clean up.  Monitors lake levels to determine if pump needs to be turned on or off.  Reports any repairs and maintenance needed to board.  Collects and disposes of trash once or twice a month during winter and weekly during summer.  Responds to incidents at the park if requested by board.
Architectural Use & Control Committee
  • Chairperson - Tarry Loop
  • Member - Vacant
  • Member - Vacant
The Architectural Use & Control Committee approves or disapproves application plans, specifications, and details submitted to the Association and notifies the person submitting the application of any delay in approval process.  Committee members must follow all the guidelines as set forth in the CC&R’s.  Members of the committee cannot approve any plans that they hold an interest in such as their own plans, family member plans, or any plans they may have a financial interest or bias in.